ESDP - Fashion Textile Designing
Supported by the Development Institute & Facilitation Office, The Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India-2023
Participated 25 Candidates for 6 weeks intense skill training and design development . Financial Support Scheme, Banking System, Product Marketing & scope for participation in the Fair
EDP - Awareness Programme
Supported by the Development Institute & Facilitation Office, The Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India
Participated 50 Candidates for 1 Day intense Lecture Sessions on skill training and design development . Financial Support Scheme, Banking System, Product Marketing & scope for participation in the Fair
Painting Workshop on Bark of the Trees Supported by AI Institute
Participated 15 Candidates for 3 Days intense skill training and Painting history and purposes. Different techniques and painting on Bark of wood.
ESDP-Training on Visual Arts Supported by the Development Institute & Facilitation Office, The Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India -2024
Participated 25 Candidates for 6 weeks intense skill training and design development . Financial Support Scheme, Banking System, Product Marketing & scope for participation in the Fair
Workshop on Printmaking
Supported by AI Institute
Participated 15 Candidates for 5 Days intense skill training and Printing history and purposes. Different techniques and woodcut printing process
Design Workshop on Interior Handicraft 3D Design Supported
by AI Institute
Participated 15 Candidates for 3 Days intense skill training and Printing history and purposes. Different techniques on 3D Handicraft making process